Kudos! I have been teaching and practicing data-centric architecture for over a decade now, and just came across this site. My focus has been on distributed real-time systems, specifically on robotics and autonomy, including autonomous driving and unmanned vehicles.
I am also the lead author of the Industrial Internet Connectivity Framework [IICF](http://www.iiconsortium.org/IICF.htm) which defines a connectivity stack for Industrial Internet of Things (IoT). The stack includes a framework layer for structured data exchange to provide syntactic data interoperability and a data layer that can exist independently of the applications.
I have also architected and implemented key aspects of Connext DDS, the leading implementation of the data distribution service [DDS](http://portals.omg.org/dds/) open-standard. DDS naturally promotes a data-centric style of architecture for Industrial IoT.